Friday, March 27, 2009

Podcasting is Awesome!! Try It !!

Podcasting is Awesome!! I say that a lot of things are awesome, so I guess that makes me kind of a goof. No, but really, podcasting is so cool and kind of misunderstood, especially by me. You see podcasting is generally a term for an audio/visual recording of a show or some sort of video that is available to subscribers via syndication. What the heck is syndication? I had to look that definition up, but Wikipedia gave it like so. Syndication is an aspect of the delivery that separates a podcast from a file available for download. So it sends the files to the intended receiver, and they watch it. Think of it like TiVo. The person that posts these podcasts is doing so, so others might experience what they have to offer. It’s like the old Field of Dreams example of if you build it they will come. In this case, if you send it out over the internet, someone will want to see it. The whole idea of podcasts blew my mind. You see I thought it was only operatable through Apple because of the name of podcasting. Ipod, Podcasting; they just sound like they are in the same family. In fact, you can download podcasts from numerous programs called podcatchers. These podcatchers act like a catcher at a baseball game, who catches balls that are thrown to them. These podcatchers send all the information on an RSS feed. What is an RSS feed? RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It is a program that is just used to standardize podcasts, blogs, audio, and video so it can be viewed on any program that is being the catcher.

So the process goes something like this. There is a person or persons who think that they will make a movie, or quick little talk, so they will tape what they have and save it. Next, the person will send the video over the web using a standardized method so anyone with a computer and internet can pick up the signal. Next subscribers pick out the video so they can check it out and watch it. In a way Youtube is kind of a podcast except for the fact that you don’t really subscribe to it, but you just pull up random videos. Podcasting gives the users a way to follow certain movie makers, or public speaker who interests them. Imagine if Youtube and Twitter got together. That would make a podcast.

The idea of podcasting is so cool. It can have an endless role for the consumers. It gives people the opportunities to watch videos of certain people whenever they have time. Time is an important asset that we take for granted. Sometimes the only time to see a show or speaker you love is when you are in rush hour, or a subway car. Podcasts offer the user entertainment as well as informational content. The fact that they are for the most part free is also a plus for anyone to follow. My advice is simple, go try podcasting. I am sure there is something out there for you.

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