Friday, March 6, 2009

Man, She's Hot!!

Man, she is hot! That is what I was thinking when I was looking through all available articles on the keyword, photo-retouching. Here is a question that won’t give a person a second thought. The question is, is do you like looking at an extraordinary picture in a magazine or an ordinary one? The same could go for any other media advertisement out there. Do we care about the way these ads portray people as “perfect”, or maybe we like them because we also want to be perfect. What causes humans to be portrayed as something that they in reality are not? I

know most people in society understand themeaning of a retouched photograph. These touchups are everywhere. They are in every magazine and every commercial out there. They only portray the very greatest of wants in women and men. They can range from anything on the skin to a hairstyle that could never work on their own head. Why stop at hair and skin? Why not have a nice set six pack abs. Why not give these models perfect teeth, plump lips, gorgeous eyes and that wonderful nose. These models are re-mastered to delete all that is unwanted. There could be blemishes, wrinkles, those hated pimples, moles, or anything of that nature. Airbrushing can take away all of this. Computer graphics artists can turn anyone into whatever they want. Overweight to skinny or short to tall, they can change it all.

My problem with making a person perfect is that there are no defects in them. That is my point exactly. The media is giving a normal person something to look up to. No single person can ever be perfect. All of the plastic surgeries in the world cannot ever give a person that perfect Barbie or Ken doll look. Many people have tried and have constantly failed giving themselves an almost impossible lifelong recluse of a dream. Great actors and actresses have thrown away their original look for something that could be resembles as a wax museum model. To tell the truth, the wax models of these famous people whom we all have looked up to some time or another have indeed looked better than the real person.

The problem I believe with all of this body image changing is that when an actor or actress sees themselves as perfect in an image in the media, they long for a perfect image in the real world. All of this perfectness has totally wacked out people in Hollywood. Movie stars are being driven mad as well as our own friends and family. The cost of looking fake has driven the surgeries scheduled sky high. Let’s face it; the day everyone looks like that perfect model on the front of People Magazine, then who will we all look up to. We will already be there. What would be the point of being famous, or good looking? There would be no point. Our defects on our bodies make us who we are. We are imperfect and I believe that’s what makes us perfect and beautiful. I don’t want to say that I don’t like looking at perfect bodies of women, because then I would just be lying. I just don’t want us to dwell over it till we ruin our own lives.

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