Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pirating. Is It for the Glory?

Stealing. That’s the word that the government is giving most generation Y computer users. The reason is that we almost expect to get music and movies for free from certain websites. It all started with Napster. This website allowed users to get music for free. It used the internet to send and receive music files and called it sharing. How can you get into trouble for doing what we call sharing something that someone actually pitched in some money for? Generation Y seems to find any way to get around spending money on things. I find it kind of humorous. You can give a friend a cd to borrow but u can’t borrow over the internet with some anonymous person. I am a little confused about that rule. We have the opportunities at the touch of a button that generations before us had never had.

There might be more to piracy than the government gives us credit for. I see piracy as more than just stealing. This might sound real crude, but I almost find it an art to figure out how to pirate some kind of program, music, or movie. I am not going to incriminate myself so I’ll stop right there. I do want to talk about how it has influenced me.

I myself have not ever used Napster. I just have never gotten into that particular program. I have used many of the other programs to avoid getting myself into trouble though. I have found that if I can get something for free, then why should I spend one cent on it. Limewire, Bearshare and Morpheus are just a few of my favorites. You do run into that one problem of getting a bad version of a file, but it’s still free. That is all that runs through your head when you download such a file. Another problem I have run into while downloading is the fact that I get corrupted songs sometimes. This is ridiculous because it can cause a system crash. I have already had this happen to me. I don’t use these programs anymore because of the stupid people out there in the web who think it is funny to file share such a bad data file.

I get the feeling that the government has implanted viruses into these file sharing programs so that we quit such practices. I don’t even know what the difference is between Napster and other file sharing programs and why it is so illegal on one and not another. I’m not a conspiracist, and I don’t want to incriminate myself over the web.

Video Piracy is so simple to do. You only need to know where to look. You can get around anything with a little know how. Generation Y only wants more. We want everything free and we all want it now. If we cannot get it cheap or free we will find out how to do it. The internet allows us to do the impossible. The people who submit all of the stuff out there are thinking the same things we are. We all want to bypass cost. It might cause the media to charge more because of the loss in profits, but as a generation who hates spending money and wants a challenge, we will only get worse about this and will find the loopholes. There are always loopholes. My generation is inventive. Piracy will expand to the next level. I don’t know what that next level is yet and I don’t think we will know yet. Media companies are always trying to protect their investment. People will always crack that code on how to pirate. The interesting thing is, is that they will always tell the world how to do it. Credit is always wanted, but the ability to crack codes is what people love to use. That’s the real truth behind piracy.

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