Thursday, March 19, 2009

Free Stuff: The best form of advertising!!

We want cheap or free. We want it all now. These are just a couple of traits that Generation Y is always wanting. We want fast and easy and nothing else. We want everything available at our fingertips. We are spoiled rotten with all available technology sitting at our fingertips. New gadgets and gizmos make all of this so easy. That is where marketing comes into play. You see Generation Y loves catchy themes. We really don’t care what a company is selling most of the time, but we love to see what a product is. We are just so curious.

The ways that marketers reach us are infinite. The interesting fact is that newspapers are being used less and less to reach us. We use internet and multi-media devices constantly. It’s the new age of technology. We all seem to have Facebook accounts and Myspace. The fact that we all have some sort of communication program gives these marketers an easy area to put ads up for viewers. The interesting part is that sometimes you accidently tap on one and then pop ups go all over your screen. Annoying ads also get your attention any more. Advertisers have to keep coming up with new methods for catching our attention.

If these ads mention anything about paying for stuff, then we tend not to buy into it. Generation Y enjoys free stuff. The problem is that we don’t have to buy products anymore with all the programs out there. It can be so simple to find free stuff, so promotional items would really bring people in to buying items that we would normally not even look at.

The question is, is what will we be willing to spend our money on. Advertisers need to figure out that our age group really doesn’t have a ton of money to throw out. To give us free items would maybe give us a feeling to want to spend our money on helping them out. It can turn into a win, win situation for everyone.

The point is that marketers have to look at advertising in a different way than selling to the older generation. My advice is simple. Give away free items and consumers will come back to support you. Certain music composers are doing the free album thing and coming away with as much money as when they actually put a price on it. When advertisers annoy us with their annoying ads, consumers don’t really want to deal with them. Make buying a choice for the consumer and not something that is needed. Marketing strategies have become much cheaper by putting them on the internet. These cost adjustments should be sent on to the consumers as a way to draw in new business. I did see some of this bonus free product advertising when I was looking for articles about marketing and generation y. In the end, free product dispensing is the ultimate advertisement for any company out there. Last, I want to discuss Red Bull. Red Bull is the ultimate free dispensing product company. The image of Red Bull is in everyone’s mind. It is hard to go out and buy something that you don’t know anything about. The way that “cool” people like us, are drinking something and letting consumers try it for free is what really brings buyers to that gas station to buy a really good product. Buying Red Bull is a little expensive, but knowing that it is good gives me that extra incentive to actually buy it. Free product samples equals bigger customer support!

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