Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Job Hunt...

-- Fox-owned WFLD/WPWR-TV, Chicago, has an academic internship program for college credit with internships in news, promotions/PR, traffic/research, community affairs, human resources and finance/business/programming. Must be registered and junior or senior standing; students must provide resume, completed application form and a letter from their colleges indicating they will receive credit. For information, contact Shynaa Brown, intern coordinator, WFLD/WPWR-TV, 205 N. Michigan Av., Chicago, IL 60601, or call (312) 565-5558. EOE (indef.)~~

This job/internship is located in Chicago Illinois. It is owned by Fox network and seems to be a wonderful internship to get my foot into the door. What really catches my eye when looking at this ad is the fact that it is located in a big city. I really like the way it sounds. Fox is a major company which if not for them, i could work at pretty much any other network with a background such as this. Experience is the best door opener. I really am not picky when it comes to finding a job. My target would be something in the advertising end. This job posting that i'm looking at is for promotions and advertising. The downside to this job is the fact that it is in Chicago. This is a pretty good distance from St. Louis, my current home. The upside to such an internship is experience and an awesome addition to my resume. To be in such a program, all you need is a letter from your university stating that you are a junior or senior in college. This is an awesome job listing. There are alot of different spots it seems. This gives me the feeling that the economy is not as bad as the media makes it out to be, or it could be that i'm a half full kind of person.

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