Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Little Miss Sunshine?

Wow, when I read this article about young pageant girls, the first thing that came to my mind was the movie Little Miss Sunshine. Although they are different in the fact that the news article was saying that these girls were coaxed into this young profession by their parents, Little Miss Sunshine actress Abigail Breslin, showed the world that she wanted to join the pageant life on her own.
The relation I’m trying to make here is that little girls are being pushed into a life of little movie star look a likes. They are being convinced by all the media and all of the outside sources to become more beautiful. Media coverage of all kinds of movie stars and young talent are making girls feel like they need to be prettier and older looking to fit in. The article also tells of how much money parents are shoveling out just to bring security back to these tweens. How much more can we allow from this. Making a little kid unsecure by showing them what they should look like is wrong. We are ruining all hope of letting these little girls grow up on their own pace. Little girls need to be experiencing all that life has for them and their age. There is so much time to “grow up”. These parents are ruining all hope for a normal life with these young people.
There are stages of life explained in Psychology. You just can’t skip all of them and expect normality. I believe strongly that whatever life experiences you have early on, you will definitely mirror what you have been exposed to. If self image is established at such an early age then, the problems of all other young girl problems will be so much worse. Girls have a harder time with insecurity than guys do. Why make it harder on them. Are these parents just trying to give their children something that they never had or wanted? I don’t know. Little Miss Sunshine was my relation to this story for the fact that, here is this perfect little girl who wants nothing more than to win a pageant. She trains for it, attends it, and in the process, loses herself. This early modification of stardom is wrong and should not be done. Parents, stop hurting your kids with this nonsense. It’s messing America up.

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