Sunday, April 19, 2009

Social Whut?

Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, blogs, and endless other social media networks are just the norm these days. We use them for all kinds of reasons ranging from networking to just keeping up with your friends of past. We don’t talk on the phone anymore or write letters to each other. Generation Y is changing all previous hardwired thoughts of what a normal person should be involved in. The way yesterday’s people thought is now changing. We are networking in new ways now and we have all the resources to do it at our fingertips.

Social networking is sometimes confused with social media. The difference is that social networking has been around since the dawn of time. You network with different people in order to get things accomplished. The more people you know the bigger your available network can be. This is a great tool in the real world for getting your name out there and also for getting jobs. There is a slight downfall though in the social networking aspect. You have to work really hard to get all your contacts and in the end it might limit you to a smaller audience than what you originally hoped for. The cure for the common social network limitability is a term commonly called social media. You see, social media is very much like social networking but on a much bigger scale. It is a global networking system. Why settle for a small web of contact names when you can branch out into the world and make contacts there also. The point I’m getting at is that you don’t have to work so hard any more to make an almost impossible thing happen. No, you actually can do it all from your computer at home. Companies have set it up so we can literally just sit down in front of our computer and find companies, contacts, advice, and about any other thing you want. You can gather advice from stored media as well as live media with social media as well.

Matt Goddard has explained that all of our new age networking tools has opened up whole new avenues for getting things done. He talked about why it is so important to have these gateways and how it can make our lives so much easier. The most important fact that was mentioned was why reinvent the wheel when it has already been invented for us. Someone in this world has come across the same problems that you and I might be having right at this moment in time. By using social media we can bypass any problems we are having and take another person’s word for it and use their advice to solve a problem. The networking tools we have now a day is so powerful that to not utilize such power would be wasting. Wisdom comes from experience. Why experience a problem when someone else out there has already solved that same problem. Social media has and will continue to bring this crazy world together. It will draw us close and make us work together.

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