Friday, February 20, 2009

GateJumpers sucked back into the Matrix?

Journalism and the effects of free labor- Citizen Journalism

Citizen Journalism is a rising commodity. It’s starting to become a growing area for big news companies that could probably turn into a paid position for random stories. Right now these news corporations are setting up small networks of people that will report the news for them. It is in some ways much cheaper for news stations to use these citizens for their own personal use but it also gets the news much quicker. It can give the people a voice that the people can hear. I really see this as being beneficial, especially in the future. It’s a way that we can be heard and feel accomplished without having any connections to such a network.

Gen Y?

Yes it’s a Generation Y thing definitely. Blogging, writing, reading others work, is all examples of Generation Y. We eat and breathe this stuff so why not let us write as a network reporter. We are already out in the field wherever we are at all times of the day. It is all possible with the use of our cell phone, mobile devices, small cameras, etc. We have already beat them to the story, so bringing us in and making us feel important is the most influential thing they can do to appeal to our evolved needs. I’m blown away at the technology advancements even since I was let’s say 4. With all these new communication devices, news writers will become obsolete and will become a free press; a peoples press controlled by the media of course. As a matter of fact, MSN has posted a web link to post up your own ideas under their controlled questionnaire. This website is just a taste of what’s to come in the next few years. President Obama has shown of Generation Y in his ways of running for office. This is just one leader who has shown that using all available technology to accomplish a goal can and will work. Growing with the times, we all will become journalists. There are two ways this can go though. We can conform and help inform the world of any problems we are facing by our own media literacy, or we cannot do anything, where we don’t utilize our minds and our own voices to tell of any overlooked news that should be sent out for some kind of action to be done.

New Media?

New Media in my words is using what avenues that are put in front of us and utilizing them. Here’s my vocabulary word of the day-for Jill of course. It is of course gatejumpers. No, you won’t find it in any encyclopedia or dictionary, but a wonderful word at that. The way this works is that we find ways around the regular media to get our point across to listeners. This is our side projects to inform about what we want to inform about. Large networks possess biased information, but we as gatejumpers can put our own information in blogs and other methods of that sort and inform about what we think is important. The media has figured this out and is now making a path for us to gatejump into their media. It’s putting a stop on our gatejumping because we of course would rather get our point across on a major network than put all the time and energy into our own blogs, which might not get noticed at that. By putting the spotlight on us to be big time, they – the media- is putting us back into the system, much like the movie the Matrix.

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