Thursday, February 5, 2009

Freedom of the Press

Thomas Jefferson said, “A Free Press, which leads to an informed populace, is essential to liberty.”

I Like this phrase a lot. There is in fact a lot that can be said from what Thomas Jefferson said from multitudes of speeches that he made, but this one draws right to the point. You see our country was erected on the basis that our rights would always be there as long as our country was still here. Along with the rights comes ways to exercise these rights. Informing the public of all that is going on in our nation’s capital and anywhere else in the country is imperative to the keeping of such a right. If you don’t use your rights and gifts, should you lose them? A free press was invented to be almost a 4th wing of government. It acts as a balance in the other 3 real branches of government. It’s almost like it’s the people’s voice and a known way to make sure that there are checks and balances in the line of leadership. Since we as citizens aren’t allowed to go many places to actually put in our input, our friends in the private media fill in as a median between knowledge of what is actually going on, and a way for the truth to be known. We would be more like, let’s say China if we really didn’t have any voice in our government than would be more or less communist, wouldn’t we? The Bill of Rights gives us liberties to be happy and live in a free land. We can disagree with what has been told to us. Our government doesn’t control our lives, but is instead more of a guidance for her citizens.

Government trying to control Freedoms

The forefathers set up our great Declaration of Independence for the reason of independence from a country of monarchy and to start in to a new frontier of being able to live in a place where you could work off the land for yourself and to be happy. Our country is unlike anything in the whole world. We are nothing like let’s say a communist country. Our nation doesn’t control our media, but it does have censorship laws. Other countries in this world have no say in the matters that involve their citizens and have to deal with what is being told to them. We get the opportunity to picket outside of the white house, but in another country the people work for the government. Our people are the government. We are the pursuit of happiness and control the future we have for ourselves.

Free Press helps keep all of our liberties in order and will always provide private non-government owned voice and ears for the great people in this country. It also provides a way for our ears to hear what our government wants to say to us. A free press is in the form of pretty much anything media. Cds, Dvds, news papers, tv, and pretty much anything else in the media that provides a voice for us should always be in our hands. It’s our voice and like I said earlier, if ya don’t use your freedoms, then maybe you don’t really deserve having them.

Cool site explaining freedom of the press

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