Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Millennials

Generation Y? I’m 26 years old and was born in 1982. This question intrigued me because I had no idea and probably still not totally for sure. The interesting thing is that I fall on the edge of being considered part of generation x and generation y. I was compelled to find out what I was actually considered as with this cool little quiz. Real basic and to the point while grading on a point system, this unique little quiz is tailored to up and coming everyday habits of today’s world.

I ended up with a score of 14, where a score of 12 and up is considered someone of generation y. According to that I guess that puts me right on the border. They are simple questions, but kind of give me a sense of what I probably am. I can see myself as someone that is more up and coming than my parents for instance, but I still like some of the old school ways.

Texting Too Much

Texting is only one example. I have texted plenty of times, but the whole idea of it seems kind of stupid some of the times. I rather just talk to a person than spend countless hours of wearing my hands out. I think our culture is losing the ability to properly communicate with each other. I do see how it can be useful sometimes when a quick message is all that was needed though. I love sharing my thoughts to an open audience though as well as using all available technology to help me with that.

Facebook, blogging, and Myspace are all ways to do this easier as well as being able to share my pictures with all my friends as well as some of the stupid videos I’ve made. I can really see myself as someone who depends on technology. I do more on computers now than I could have ever imagined when I was young on my IBM with a 386 processor. My advice to older folks is probably the obvious. You have got to change with the times or you’ll get nowhere fast. It’s kind of sad if you think about it because even I have trouble figuring out a lot of new technology. I can only imagine how my grandparents are probably feeling about figuring all this new stuff out. When I was young my grandma was a secretary.

She used the good ol typewriter as her writing device as well as the post office for sending anything out she needed. The email ways are not easy for her so she just chooses not to embrace them. I guess it’s hard for me to just understand why she doesn’t just learn this new thing. I suppose that the best thing I could do is to walk older people through the steps of learning. Communication to younger people by our elders is limited with our generation y boundaries that we have put up.

In order for us to wonder why our elders are naïve, then we need to get out of our own naïve ways of thinking that there is only one way to get the job done- the newest technology. Our parents didn’t rely on everything we rely on, but to prosper we need to break out of our skins and make sure everyone is caught up with the times, so we can rely on our children to help Generation Y to cope with tomorrow.

Old People VS. Technology

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