Sunday, February 8, 2009

PepSuber...Generation Y doesn't know...

PepSuber.... Pepsi, Pepsi, Pepsi

Pepsi as well as many other companies need to rethink marketing strategies!!

MacGuyver spoof has turned into a major Pepsi ad campaign. It’s called MacGruber and it is probably one of the biggest sketches that the new SNL has to offer since Sarah Palin is now out of the loop, at least until 2012. SNL has become not at all like it used to be. It saddens me because I actually remember seeing some of the best sketches ever on that show when I was growing up. It’s like funniness has fizzled from our culture. Everything is so serious and political anymore that supposedly funny shows have become stupid. Pepsi thought that if they spent the time and money to include their product into something everyone would know about they would come out on top. The problem is, is that, and I believe I’m speaking for a large percentage of people, that nobody really watches SNL anymore. SNL was formed on the fact of Funny, and well I can’t understand most of what is portrayed on there anyways.

Spinoff Sucks!!

MacGruber is a spinoff of MacGuyver in the way that there is a man that knows how to disarm bombs with normal everyday items such as paper clips and gum wrappers. The funny part is that he is too busy selling the Pepsi logo that he doesn’t disarm the bomb in time and ends up killing all 3 of his friends. The article I found indicated that the economy is suffering and that these ads are of desperation. They are indeed trying everything to stay out of the gutter, including making these ridiculous ads that no one really cares about. R&D department needs to hire some new faces with new ideas. The super bowl had more terrible commercials this year than any other year ever.

Great Show Defamed!!

MacGuyver was one of my favorite shows growing up. Defaming something that Generation Y doesn’t really know much about doesn’t really make much sense. I can say this because I’m right on the border line from my age. Generation Y was playing and watching Power Rangers when the real show aired. My advice to advertising companies is to refigure your approach on selling to today’s customers. Make advertising campaigns geared more at Generation Y and not Generation X. This article is more important than people make it. It is only one example of how desperate these big companies are and what kind of steps they are not taking. No advertising is better than this advertising.

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