Friday, May 1, 2009

Rift Fournier

I was thinking, wow I had a wonderful time listening to Mr. Rift Fournier speak. I mean, here is a guy who has been everywhere and has done everything and well now he is speaking to us as a class. I love to listen to my elders because of all the stories and wisdom that they can share with me as well as giving me advice on what might and might not work in life. The key word here is advice. I’m 26 now and I have been not the best at taking others advice. I am kind of stubborn when it comes to that. I have made a few mistakes in my short life time but I find the best ways to learn something is to just take someone else’s word for it if they tell me to find something you love and stick with it. Don’t take your eyes off of something you love to do. I have heard this numerous times in my life, but Rift has just repeated what I needed to hear. My dream job isn’t mass communications. I have picked this field for the fact that I can’t get through math. I love business and selling. I also love the medical world. My degree I am working on right now is in advertising and right now I know that I can use that toward what my dream job will be. Listening to Rift Fournier speak about going through so many different paths in education and finally picking his one love really gave me a heads up. A person should do what they love and not do it just for the money. He also said that I’ll probably change my mind again for what I want to do in the future. I just really enjoyed hearing such wonderful and funny stories. I am taking a class in electronic media next semester with Rift, so I can’t wait to hear more of his wisdom. Rift Fournier is indeed someone who has lived a full life and I hope I can maybe match some of his stories some day!

1 comment:

  1. I like rift platinum game ,so love me love my dog, when i played wow power leveling I think we should play it, so interesting!
